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Standardize your EHR.PNG

Patient doctor visits are a very valuable source of data. We harness this data, using industry standard secure protocols to create the Clinical Datawarehouse (CDW) from the Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems in place or even if there are no standard EHR systems used by the healthcare provider.

We add value in transforming the healthcare industry, irrespective of the operational scale, to deliver deep insights for the consumption of medical establishments, directly benefiting the populace in general.

Some of the clinical data standards supported include HL7-CDA, HL7-FHIR, openEHR, CEN and many more.

Medical Analytics.PNG

The CDW is the engine for various front end dashboards to provide insights to clinical care patterns and treatment. The dashboards can be customized as per the requirements of the healthcare center.


Analytics can be performed on any relevant entity like Physician, Patient, Disease, Co-morbidity, Treatment and outcomes, time to recover, effectiveness of medication or nature of therapy etc. by multiple dimensions like geography, time, race, sex etc.


Everything in the world is now connected and we need to collaborate to overcome the most pressing challenges humanity is facing in terms of health and well being. This could not only relate to a pandemic but other serious health issues which are often not getting sufficient attention, like mental health.

The CDW solution again helps immensely here in healthcare institutions sharing data with each other, for patient needs (in compliance with the laws of the land), and the well being of the medical community and people at large.

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